Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the facebook challenge

ok so FINALLY a reader commented challenging me to my claim that i could find pics of anyone on facebook... even if they are not my friend on there, and even if their profile is set to private. SKETCHY MUCH? you are damn right.

shout out to reader: DutchHataz4life2000 for posting. THX DUDER. i'm about to pwn your ass with l337 skills. wombat is no lie. He/She/They/It wanted to see pics of someone named "Eric Rubin." So, without further ado....... here are some pics. And, let the record show that I am not friends with this person on facebook, nor do I have any idea who they are, where they came from, etc. All I am doing is showing my wombat skillz off. Once again, I ask all readers to just comment on one of these posts, asking me to post pics of anyone from facebook. Private profile, no matter what. I can get their pics. So once again, I issue you to challenge me. THE WOMBAT IS NO LIE.

and now.... DutchHataz4life2000 , here's your dank ass pix of 'Eric Rubin'. This dude looks like a narf. DutchHataz4life2000 I hope you aren't friends with this lemming. Or, I hope you didn't ask for pix of yourself to challenge me haha. ANYWAYZ.





THE WOMBAT IS NO LIE. CHALLENGE ME. ANYONE ON FACEBOOK!!! just comment with the name of the person, and the network they belong to so i know for sure who you are talking about.

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