Monday, February 11, 2008

Freeking Tamarin Monkeys!!!! I HATE THEM!

So, lately I have been trying to have a relaxing night with my wife in the den. However, while I am sleeping... these frikkin Tamarin Monkeys have been sneaking in and taking my finest bananas. I know who they are too. I was able to record a video of them with my new SLR rainforest palm tree edition camera. They belong to the Monkey Yakuza clan. I have reported them to the Lions, but f'ing lions spend all day sleeping on their ass. So I think I will set up some booby traps to try to catch those Tamarin's. I will keep you guys posted on this. Cuz if I get them, I will go to work on them the Gorilla way.... and you don't wanna know about that.

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