Monday, February 11, 2008

Today this girl baked bread that looks like gorilla poo

i could not make this up if i tried. never in my life have i seen something that resembles gorilla feces that actually is NOT gorilla feces. unbelievable. today i stumbled upon a girl baking bread in the rainforest. i have no idea how or why she was doing this, but there she was, oven and all. she asked me to sample her bread to make sure it tasted alright and out of the oven she pulled this:

initial reaction: WHAT THE FUCK LADY?!

that bread clearly looks like gorilla dump on a baking pan. i would know, since i'm good friends with a freaking mammoth gorilla (a.k.a. gorillas beacon of this site) and he takes large dumps quite frequently that easily look like what is on that pan. seriously what the hell?!? why on earth would you make bread that looks like feces. not only is it a very large feces... but its conveniently curled up like a freaking rattlesnake. if i wanted gorilla poo i could easily access it.... i don't need you to bake it for me.

what confused me even more is how and why she was making bread in the middle of a rainforest? i was so confused and amazed that i didn't even bother to ask her how she was doing this.


speaking of large fecal matter.... i also saw this today.

poor dung beetle can't even handle that pile of shit because its twice the size of him. so that is not 1, but 2 amazing things that i saw today concerning bunghole residue. i have to give it to the beetle though, look at that dung ball, that sphere is PERFECT. i literally stared at this pile of dung for 12 minutes. and then i killed the dung beetle.

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